Friday, December 19, 2008

This year I want to start thinking about my New Years Resolutions early. There are so many goals I have that I want to accomplish, and I never actually take steps to do so. For 2009, let's get serious. I want to list a few different things, and my goal is to keep at least 3 resolutions to myself. Three aren't bad, right?

So, I'll start my list now.

  • I will have a different career path by the end of this year. I will hopefully be in cosmetology school, but if not, I will at least be in a different direction.
  • I will go to the library and study things that interest me. I will spend time on these things, and learn at least more than just the basics before moving on.
  • I will make an effort to bring more structure and belief into my life. I will study religion and beliefs and develop my own structure with witch to live by.
  • I will stretch every morning when I get up, and exercise at least 4 times a week.
  • I will be quiet when my opinion clearly doesn't count. (Meaning that I will cut down on gossip until I eliminate it completely.)
  • I will keep a journal. That's right. All year.
  • I will express feelings and say things that need to be said (only to the people that need to hear them) even if it's slightly confrontational.
  • I will save money and work towards my goal of being a mom.

Well, that's all I have for right now. I'll think of some more throughout the next 2 weeks and add to this list. I can't wait for 2009!

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