Thursday, August 21, 2008


Today has been better than the first few days this week. Well, as far as mental state and productivity are concerned. I still can't tell if it's the medicine, or I have just worked myself into this Zen state by believing the medicine will work (the mind is an amazing thing, you know). Part of me thinks that it must be the medication, because this week has been total shit at work and I have made it through with no panic attacks or outbursts to speak of. I have also gotten more done this week than I have in a long time. I have dealt with things level-headedly (i know that's not a word) and I haven't cried since Monday. I need to cry a lot, usually.

Yesterday I went home early from work because I was so incredibly tired and had a really bad migraine coming on. It's because I'd had next to no sleep the night before. So last night, after I'd gotten up from a long nap and taken some Excedrin Migraine, hubby took me to go get some Tylenol PM. I took that before laying down, and although I was incredibly restless before it set in, it did help me get through the night. Not that I didn't wake up just as much, the difference was that I was able to go back to sleep after a little while. I wasn't just there laying wide awake with too much energy. I don't want to have to depend on the Tylenol PM or anything else, but until my body gets used to the new medicine, I'll do it.

So who knows, maybe the medicine is helping. Today is the first day where I'm pretty sure I've been influenced by the medicine as far as my reactions go. I would normally have gotten angry or upset this morning. Instead, I just dealt with it, and did my work. Now if only my job would see that I am trying to make a change, maybe they'd lay off me for a bit.

*sigh* Time to go back to work...

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