Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Years Break

This winter break has been incredible. Christmas was hectic, but not really at the same time. I spent way too much money last year and will be making up for it with my tax return. I worried a lot during Christmas, and got migraines for a few days. Was too uptight when I went back to work, understandably, because it was work. But then this New Years break has been wonderful.

First there was the New Years party. At first I thought it kinda sucked because there were a number of people that didn't show up, but I think I've decided that those that matter were here and that everyone else missed out.

Since then, I've just been relaxing. Edan and his girlfriend have been over a few times. We've been hanging out with Turtle and Kristen, of course. And I think David and I have gotten closer over this break. We've had whispered discussions in bed, we've talked a lot, we've gotten to spend a lot of time together. We've watched football, had good food (great steak :), partied a bit, cleaned a bit. And to tell you the truth, I really think we've gotten closer together watching our friends this season, as their situations change, because in a way it's got us appreciating all the good in each other.

It has been the first Holiday Season since I was in school that I have really felt like I had a Winter Break. I want to put this into writing because I hope I can look back on it and remember where I am right now. Who knows what this new year is to bring. There are a lot of different possibilities, but for now I'm content to be who I am and appreciate the things I have. Those are the qyalities I find I respect in myself, the things that make be happy to be me.

I have goals for the new year, but the other day I decided that it might just be equally as healthy to take a look back and think of all the things I did and accomplished in 2008.
I performed some more solo shows (at a restaurant!)
My Uncle got married to a great woman. (and i got a free car!?)
I played a noble for the first (and last) time. (But I did it.)
I took lots of beautiful pictures.
I camped in my PawPaw's land.
I made a few great friends
  • Keely
  • Juliette
I got closer to some old ones.
I got closer to my Dad than I have been since I lived at home.
I went to Dragon Con!!!!!!!!! (And performed a show there!)
I... well... I don't know if I can count that Kings Island trip. Um... oh hell why not...
I became a better dancer.
I was asked to put together a bellydance show for Ren Faire. (OMG!)
I have written lots of choreographies, made websites, gotten better at marketing.
My husband and I celebrated an AMAZING first anniversary. And we got closer in the process.
I painted my first painting, and it came out okay.
I got a beautiful dance space and sewing room (and my own closet!)

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